The Cross Border Speed Championship

2022 XBC Anglesey Report

Anglesey was mega!!” (Allan H)

Mixed weather but fantastic fun. Has to be done again !” (Donald C)

There is no doubt that the trip to Anglesey is a long slog, but the quotes above give some indication of the enthusiasm of our Competitors for this venue, and a well run MG Car Club event. Extra timed runs were the order of the day, and this certainly helps provide value for those so far travelled.

A strong XBC contingent made up 17% of the Entry List, and it would certainly seem that our drivers made an impression.

Saturday was overcast and dry. Of our drivers, FTD went to Stephen Mallet, with Richard Mallet and Nigel Fox taking second and third fastest overall. All XBC drivers were comfortably in the top half of the field, and five Class wins were also achieved.

Heavy overnight rain meant that Sunday was overcast with a wet track gradually drying over the course of the day.

Five Class winners once again. Six XBC drivers in the top ten, with Dave Exton producing an astonishing 4th fastest overall in the slithery 350Z.

Equally astonishing was the fact that through sheer laziness (or perhaps it was gearbox problems), Nigel Fox drove every one of Sunday’s runs in third gear only, and was still 14th fastest overall !!

Special mention however must go to our hero of Anglesey, Stuart Mather who showed steady improvement over the day, and on his final run scooped his first ever FTD in his lovely little Mk4 Jedi.

Stuart is pictured here (3rd from left) with a subset of the XBC Anglesey gang.

All in all, a great weekend, with the event highly likely to reappear on the XBC Events Menu for 2023.

2022 XBC April Update

The first event of 2022 proved to be a successful weekend at Kames, thanks to the usual relaxed low key efficiency of the EACC team. A cold, but dry day meant that track grip was not always what might have been expected, and a few cars unfortunately suffered as a consequence.

It was great to meet up with a lot of people over the weekend, some after a break of a few years (you haven’t changed a bit !!). But inevitably, it is impossible to speak to everyone at just one event. Next time . . . . .

The Event Results, and the first round of Scoring is now available from the 2022 XBC Events Page. We still seem to be missing a good number of people who haven’t yet managed to put finger to keyboard (or screen), but there is still time to get your entry in for the XBC 2022 Cross Border Speed Championship. Evidence of a little speed however, is always a good thing in this sport !!!

As you know, the XBC Scoring does NOT use Venue Class Records, but simply your time on the day. In this way, the XBC Championship is to some degree weather proofed, and possibly immune to other factors outwith the individual Competitor’s control. It is only your performance in relation to other XBC Competitors on the day that matters. Get your Championship Entry in !!!

Hopefully everyone at April Kames that needed a pair of the new XBC QR coded Car Stickers received them. If not, track Dave or myself down at your next event. Thanks to the three people cheeky enough to point out that I didn’t actually have the new stickers on my own car. A new career as a Traffic Warden awaits you !! . . . . And I hope I got away with my “witty retort” of putting others first !!

It seems that a fair number of our contingent are heading to Anglesey at the end of April. A long slog of a drive to get there, but what a tremendous track !!

We hope to see you at an event soon.

2022 XBC April Kames

Hard to believe, but we are here already. April dawns bright and clear, and everything looks set for a really good season starter at Kames this weekend !!

For those who leave everything to the last minute, . . . . this IS the last minute !!

So it is time to get your entry in for this year’s XBC Cross Border Speed Championship, and collect your first set of points this weekend.

As you know, we spend a lot of time trying to provide a Championship that suits a wide variety of circumstance. With only four scores required to be eligible for an award, and scoring limited to your best nine scores, the XBC Championship is designed to be worthwhile for those that can only manage a few events as well as those that can take full advantage of our extensive menu of twenty four days of Motorsport in three Countries.

You can find a link to join this year’s Championship on our 2022 Events Page.

This year we have a new design of Championship Car Sticker with a QR code. It is intended that this new design will remain unchanged for a good number of years, and it is important that you update your Car Stickers as soon as possible.

I will actually really physically definitely be at Kames this weekend, after a few years where pressure of work got in the way of Motorsport, so hunt me down, introduce yourself, and stickers will be provided.

Looking forward to it,


PS. En-route to a recent Scottish Championship meeting, I received a complaint from one of our enthusiastic senior members, that my emails contain words that he has to look up in the dictionary !!! Yes, you’ve guessed it, . . . . it was Mike Celeritas Murchie !!!