The Cross Border Speed Championship

Oliver’s Mount Entries etc.

Entries have now closed for the first two rounds at Kames this coming weekend, and the finals are out. A quick run through the list suggests that we have over a dozen WMC members turning up, with a good few others known to still have their car in bits, injury, or illness as an excuse !!

Entries close for rounds three and four at Doune tomorrow (07/04/2015) but there is still time to get an on-line entry in. (Use the link on the XBC website)

Entries for Oliver’s Mount close on the 17th of April, so it is time to get your entries organised for this event.

The Regs and Entry Form are now available for download from the XBC site. Oliver’s Mount was, I believe, the most requested new venue, and it would therefore be encouraging to see a good level of support from our competitors.

The Championship Stickers have been redesigned, please allow an A5 sized space on your car, and having recently received final confirmation from our headline sponsor, the artwork is with the printer, and we very much hope to have these available to you at the first event. The new design can be previewed on the XBC site.

Entries to the Cross Border Championship officially close this weekend, but we will be accepting entries handed to us in person if you are at Kames. Otherwise . . . . . there is still time.

XBC – Entry deadline approaching

We have around a week left in which to get our Championship entry forms in.

So if you are going to enter, you need to act now.

Go on . . . . . You know you want to !

If you are unable to enter this year, please email us, just to let us know.

We have had some feedback which suggests that a few folk may not have sent in their entry forms because they are still waiting for a WMC membership number. If that is the case for you, then please just send in your Championship entry form now, and let us know your WMC number once you have it.

We have also had some feedback which suggests that a few folk may not yet know what car or car configuration they might be running, which makes it a bit difficult to complete the paperwork of course !!

Others have said that they don’t yet know at what point in the season their car might be ready !! If this is the case for you, then please don’t delay. Get your entry form in now to ensure you are registered for the Championship, and then just send us the relevent information once you have it.

The structure of the Championship this year makes it easier to join in part way through if your car is not ready right now, and you still have a good chance of a worthwhile overall result. However, you do need to get your form in now in order to be included !!

Our new fledgling website is as basic as it gets for now, but it does have links to the Championship and event entry documents, . . . . Hope it helps.

We could do with around ten more entries in order to buck the trend of decline in motorsport, so if you are swithering, . . . . your support would be very much appreciated.

If you have already entered, . . . Thank you very much for your support, we hope that you have a great season, we are certainly doing our very best, with that aim !!

Event Regs

As you know, we have a new fledgling website to support the Cross Border Championship (XBC), and for now it is probably the simplest, most plain vanilla site you have ever seen.

Even at this most basic level however, it does provide a central place where we can put together all the resources to support your motorsport season.

Downloads and Links are now in place for April Kames, April Doune, and September Anglesey / Ty Croes.

PS. It would really help the event organisers if you could get your entries in early.

PPS. It would really help us if you could get your XBC entry in really soon !!