The Cross Border Speed Championship

WMC Show

Just a quick reminder that it is the WMC Dalemain show on Sunday the 23rd of August 2015.

We would like to display plenty of XBC competition cars on the club stand so if you are able to bring your car down then please send in an entry form.

If you could let me know you are entering, it would be appreciated.

You will not be allowed to take the car onto the show field without an entry so please book it in advance!  (No entries on the day!!)

I would also like to borrow some CDs & DVDs of your competition runs to play on a TV screen at the show if you can help me out. or want to help at the show then please get in touch

July Kames Weekend

The weather was reasonably kind to Kames this weekend, and another good turnout of XBC competitors enjoyed a well run weekend.

Not so much fun for Willie & Angela who retired on the very first run of the Saturday with engine problems. Mild entertainment provided by Graham D who decided that a smoke screen was the best way to hide his hairpin dressage performance on the Sunday. It was also “hats off” to David M, who provided a Noble attempt at air braking straight off the start line.

The weekends results and scoring are now available from the 2015 Events Page.

With the cancellation of Three Sisters, we now have a lull until September, and if you haven’t already done so, get your entries in for Ty Croes and Harewood. Let us know if you plan to attend these events, and we will plan accordingly.

July Kames Entry Deadline Approaches

From the EACC Website :

Just a reminder that the online entry system for the July Sprints will close at midnight on Saturday 18th July.

Use the link to their on-line entry system from our Events Page.

Time to act !!!  !!!