The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts in category 2015 News

Mid Season Report

There is a “Mid Season Report” available on the 2015 Events Page, which has been prepared to provide some feedback to the WMC main committee, but also to you, as a competitor.

Hope you find it informative and useful, and as always, we are open to comment or suggestion.

XBC Scoring To Barbon

The Barbon results, and the XBC scoring to Barbon are now live on the XBC site, available for download.

Forrestburn Entries Open

As of today, the Forrestburn on-line entries system went live.

We now have the Regs, PDF Entry Form, and a link to the on-line entry page available on the Web Site.

So once again . . . . . it’s time to get your entries in, hope for a nice sunny weekend, and prepare to do battle !!

Send us a quick reply to this email, just to let us know whether or not you are planning to be there . . . . .

In the meantime, Barbon looms, entries are full, and a waiting list is in existence, so did you get your entry in on time ? !!

Again, drop us a note to let us know whether or not you are going to be there.