The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts in category 2015 News

XBC – 2015 Season Awards Dinner

The organisers of the XBC – Cross Border Speed Championship would like to invite you to their Inaugural Awards Dinner/pre-season get together.

To be held on Saturday March 12th 2016 at Gretna Green on the English/ Scottish border.

Now that I have your undivided attention . . . . There are obviously a few drawbacks to organising an event like this at such short notice.

We need confirmation that you are able to go.
We need to know by Wednesday of next week – 17/02/16.
Tickets will need to be paid for in full the following week.

The price for the meal is £25 per head.

Hotel rooms are available if required, hopefully at a negotiated rate.

Please contact us a.s.a.p. so that we can confirm numbers.

Menus will then be provided to choose from, and we need you to return those choices very quickly.

Our gathering is not just for the competitors themselves, but wives/husbands, girfriends/boyfriends, friends, prospective competitors, interested parties etc. etc. etc. are very welcome to come along and join the fun.

If you haven’t received an email on the subject, please use our Contact Page to get in touch.

WMC Awards Dinner (30/01/2016)

The WMC Awards Dinner took place yesterday evening, with four of our competitors present to collect their XBC Awards, and by all accounts a pleasant evening was had by all.

The XBC Organisers were not able to attend since they were participating in “Pre Season Fitness Training” (cough!!), snowboarding in the French Alps.

WMC “Divorce Settlement”

Following the September 2015 WMC decision to drop their support of the Speed Championship and Speed events, the terms of our “divorce” were agreed at the WMC Committee meeting of 25/11/2015.

We are pleased to say that after a delay of some six weeks, we have finally received XBC funds that were held by WMC in the sum of £290.87 which allows us to balance our books.

The final position for the 2015 season is that, primarily due to a successful October Kames event, XBC operations for 2015 showed a £263.33 surplus. This surplus has been retained by WMC, and leaves the XBC on a zero balance with which to start afresh in 2016.