The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts by Ronnie

2017 Championship Entries Open

Having now received our MSA Championship Permit Number, we are open for entries !!

Following the success of adding an MX5 Class to our October 2016 Kames Sprint, the good news is that this Class (R5) is now a XBC Championship Class as well, and we really look forward to seeing the MX5s battle it out amongst themselves without having to contend with those pesky Hondas, Toyotas, and the like !!!

If you already have an XBC log-in then this is a really easy process which should just take a few minutes. If you have forgotten your password, there is a reset option on the Log-In screen. If you have changed your email address, get in touch and we will update your account with your new details, and if you don’t already have an XBC account then all you need to do is Register from the Log-In screen.

Regardless . . . . . Start Here

We look forward to receiving your entry, and seeing you throughout the season.

2017 Season Events Menu

Dave has put in a considerable amount of time putting together the Events Menu for this year, taking stock of our Competitor’s preferences, and the logistics of travel, event clashes, etc. etc..

We think that a good balance has been found, with good choice, a good spread, and with Nine Scoring Events out of a possible 22, there should be a selection to please everyone . . . . . and we very much hope you agree !!

This year, in order to help everyone plan out their season, we are publishing a “Provisional” copy of the Championship Regs, which you can download from the 2017 Events Page.

If you already have an XBC login, then you are good to go when entries open. Please use the same login, and all your details will already be there. You can reset your password if you have forgotten it, but if your email address has changed, then please get in touch with us and we will fix it, rather than creating a second account.

If you do not already have an XBC account, then you may wish to register, and set up your details in advance, which will also mean that you are added to our email list, so that you can be notified of anything important.

We look forward to seeing some new faces this year, along with the regulars, and those who didn’t make it to many events last year for one reason or another. Here’s to a good year’s Motorsport !!

Oliver’s Mount Cancelled

We have been informed that the Oliver’s Mount meeting on Saturday 30/04/2016 has now also been cancelled.

This is reported to be as a consequence of a low entry of around 27, which in turn would seem to be as a consequence of the loss of the Sunday event to the “Tour de Yorkshire”, subsequent date changes, and the loss of the double header with the Monday event becoming Bikes only.

Thankfully the XBC Events Menu is large enough to withstand this loss, but it is very disappointing nonetheless.

Please let us know if you were entered for Oliver’s Mount this year, and whether or not you would support this event if it was on next year’s calendar.

Next event is now Scammonden, and the Regs and Entry form are available to download from the Events Page on the XBC site.