The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts by Ronnie

WMC “Divorce Settlement”

Following the September 2015 WMC decision to drop their support of the Speed Championship and Speed events, the terms of our “divorce” were agreed at the WMC Committee meeting of 25/11/2015.

We are pleased to say that after a delay of some six weeks, we have finally received XBC funds that were held by WMC in the sum of £290.87 which allows us to balance our books.

The final position for the 2015 season is that, primarily due to a successful October Kames event, XBC operations for 2015 showed a £263.33 surplus. This surplus has been retained by WMC, and leaves the XBC on a zero balance with which to start afresh in 2016.

2015 XBC Survey Results

Best wishes for 2016 !!

Part of the planning for 2016 involves looking at the season that has just passed, and we thank everyone who participated in our recent survey for their help in this regard.

You might like to see the results of the survey, which is now available from our 2015 Events Page.

Over 80% of our competitors think that we should hold our own XBC social event to celebrate the 2015 season, and that they would like to collect their 2015 XBC Award there.

We do not wish to impinge on the WMC Awards Dinner, and it is worth bearing in mind that the XBC was run as a WMC Championship in 2015, so we will not arrange anything until after the WMC Dinner has passed. This gives everyone the opportunity to collect their XBC Award at the WMC dinner should they wish to do so.

For those Competitors who prefer to be presented with their XBC Award at our own event, and in response to our competitors’ wishes as indicated in this survey, we plan to arrange an evening meal near Carlisle, with accommodation available for those that need it. This will take place after the WMC dinner and before the start of the next season, so probably late February or early March.

We would hope to be able to run a slide show from 2015 season photos, allow any award winner to say a few words should they wish to do so, possibly interview certain characters on any embarrassing moments or dubious modifications, and generally have a good blether and a bit of a laugh.

XBC Survey – 2015

We hope that you have enjoyed everything this year, and that you feel that there has been improvement in both the 2015 Speed Championship and the 2015 October Kames event.

Now is the time to gather our Competitors’ opinions and thoughts in order to identify anything that needs further attention, and to help with the planning for the 2016 season.

Today, you should have received a link to our 2015 XBC Survey, but if for any reason you haven’t, and you would like to contribute, please email us, or use the Contact Page to request the required link.