The Cross Border Speed Championship

Posts by Ronnie

2022 XBC October Kames & 2022 Awards Dinner

Jim Howarth 23a

It is hard to believe that October is here, and the XBC October Sprint Weekend is behind us already !!
It is hard to believe that a few cars on Saturday seemed to create a bow wave !!
It is hard to believe that Sunday was actually almost nearly slightly warm !!

What a great weekend !!

Everyone who made good use of the Friday Track/Test Day was well prepared for the Saturday, and the first ever offering of a simple Friday Evening Meal in the Club House really went down well. We plan to repeat both of these next year, and while the Friday Meal was originally intended for those on the track day, it seems clear that there is demand from those arriving to set up camp on Friday as well.

The Saturday consisted of a single practise, and four timed runs, with only the spotting of an incoming shower preventing a fifth timed run. Considering that the track was never really truly dry, some surprisingly good times were produced, and it was interesting to see those drivers that really did rise to the challenge. A few track departures over the day, but no consequential damage of note to anything other than pride.

Saturday night brought record numbers enjoying a good two course meal in the Club House, and it was a pleasure to move round the tables with a drink in hand, for a blether therafter. There was the “Fix the World Table”, the “Intellectual Table”, the “Bawdy Table”, the “I snowboard down mountains with and you’re daft enough to let me drive your car” table, and of course, not forgetting the “Early to Bed” table. If you are not sure which table you were at . . . . . .

Sunday was a fabulous day. Yes, tee-shirts really were in evidence !! Smiley happy, freshly washed, “Scottish Sun” tanned faces were in evidence !! The only significant shower was neatly contained in the lunch break, thanks to the good judgement and flexibility of the team, and five timed runs had our timekeeper scratching his head as to how to fit all the raw lap data into one page. Who needs names, when numbers will do !! Some close battles were fought, with a significant number of Competitors achieving their best time on Run Five. This goes to show that Competitors really do want as many runs as can be offered, and we really do hope that everyone felt that “Value for Money” over the weekend was realised.

It was great to see so many people able to stay for the Event Awards, and this weekend our special “Star of the Meeting” awards went to Chris McDaid for leaving the track more than anyone else on Saturday, and on Sunday, to Russell Fair for his unerring background support for all things XBC.

So . . . The Event Results are available from our 2022 Events Page, the Provisional Final Scoring is also in Place, and on the basis that we have no corrections to make, these will become final in due course.

And now . . .

We are looking forward to our 2022 Awards Dinner on Saturday 19th November 2022.

Entries are now open on our web site to Book your Seats, and if you haven’t already booked your Hotel Room, then you had better get a move on !!

This year, we want to emphasise that the Awards Dinner is not just for those that have won awards (who of course have a duty to be there !!), but is open to all Competitors past and present, and all Friends of the XBC. For those that are able to make a short break of it, a room for the Friday night is also available to book, and all in all it promises to be another great night (or two).

We look forward to seeing you there.

2022 XBC Harewood & October Kames

2022 09 18 Harewood Alpine

Harewood always has some interesting cars, and it was great to see a surprisingly high number of XBC Competitors making up nearly 15% of a large entry field. Always worth the trip, Harewood runs a slick operation, with a rapid throughput of cars, and good weather to boot.

Saturday night XBC dining was split between venues, with the dozen or so at the Harewood Arms providing a very entertaining and occasionally a bit too amusing evening. One to mark in your diary for next year.

All Results and Scoring to date can be found on the 2022 Events Page.

And now attention turns to the XBC October Kames Weekend. With only a week and a half to go, if you have not already done so, it is time to get your entry in !!

Once again, we are offering a Saturday night two course meal, which you can book here.

As an added bonus, we are also running a Friday Track Day for Competitors, and this really is a good way to get maximum value out of a weekend trip. There are still some places left, and all you need to do is contact Ronnie direct, or use the Contact Form on the Web Site to secure your place.

Also, on the Friday night, there is a simple Cottage Pie evening meal available at nominal cost for Track Day entrants, and also for those arriving to camp on the Friday night. Once again, contact Ronnie direct, in order that Heather and Jan have some idea of numbers in advance. We don’t want anyone going hungry !!

We are looking forward to a good weekend, the entire support team is confirmed and in place, for this, the last event of a very good 2022 season. With so much going on, there is added pressure of time on your XBC Organisers, so please, if you have still to do so, get your entries in as soon as possible, to help minimise the last minute rush !!

Hope to see you there.

2022 XBC August Update

2022 08 28 Forrestburn RX8

In between Ice Ages, there is at least one glorious sunny weekend at Forrestburn, and it happened in August 2022 !!

A very good number of XBC Competitors in attendance, and much discussion of the subtle difference between bollard kissing and bollard whacking, both of which seemed to be new found hobbies for the anonymous few, for whom the track now seems a little longer.

It was good to see Peter Locke’s re-shelled RX8 in action. Although sadly he didn’t get to compete in this car, he was keen that the car should be seen out at events in order to raise awareness of, and hopefully some cash for, Prostate Scotland. In remembrance of Peter, if you wish, you can do your bit using the following link, or QR code.

2022 08 28 Forrestburn QR

August also brought two events over one weekend down south, with the Saturday Aintree providing TEN TIMED RUNS !! Three Sisters wasn’t that far behind with EIGHT TIMED RUNS, so if ever you were in doubt as to the “value for money” element of a weekend trip to these events, on two very different circuits, hesitate no more !!

The XBC Web Site has been updated with all of the Results and Scoring for August, all to be found on the 2022 Events Page.

It is also time to get your entries in for our very own Event, the XBC October Kames Weekend. Use the above link to get you started. If you have any (entry related !!) problems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by email, or via the contact page on the Web Site.

We are also holding an XBC “Track Day” on Friday 30/09/2022, the day before our Sprint Weekend. If you are interested in a place you should first ensure that you are entered for the Sprint Weekend, and then contact Ronnie by email or via the Web Site at the earliest opportunity, as the number of cars on Friday will be limited in order to ensure value.

In the meantime, it seems that a very significant number of XBC Competitors will be at Harewood, and we look forward to seeing you there.